The QC of Choice for Rangers Fans Gets a New Job!

Richard Keen QC, the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, has found his way into the minds of football fans through his high-profile involvement in matters connected to the Rangers saga.

To the universal acclaim of the Rangers faithful he acted for “Rangers” in the court challenge to the Disciplinary Tribunal imposition of a year-long registration “embargo” in 2012. He successfully persuaded the court that the Tribunal had exceeded its powers.

He re-appeared on the legal football field when acting last month for the “Rangers Rebels” and he succeeded in establishing that the Board had breached the Companies Act by refusing to allow the motion to appoint four new directors to be considered at the RIFC PLC AGM.

As a result the meeting was postponed and is now set for December.


It is also the case that the court defeat was a substantial factor in the departure of CEO Craig Mather.

For a long time the next stop for the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates was the High Court Bench. However, for what is perhaps the first time ever, there does not seem (from a quick glance, which might well have been incorrect) to be any past Dean of Faculty on the High Court Bench now.

So where is Mr Keen off to?

First of all I do not imagine he is giving up his practice. He will still therefore be available for instruction in the complex commercial disputes which are his lucrative bread and butter. He is fairly described as one of the top legal minds of his generation and a person who is always worth having on your side (as Mr Al Amin Khalifa Fhima, acquitted of involvement in the Lockerbie bombing, found when he had instructed Mr Keen to lead his defence).

However he might not be as readily available as a result of his new commitment – Chairman of the Scottish Conservative Party!

If he wanted to make himself even more popular with the stereotypical Rangers fan, then taking up such a senior role in the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party will do him no harm at all.

Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson MSP said:

“I am delighted to welcome Richard on board as the new chairman of the Scottish Conservatives.

“As one of the UK’s leading legal brains, he brings a wealth of external experience to the party and I am looking forward to working closely with him as we lead the team at a critical time in the politics of our country.

“Richard’s appointment shows the Scottish Conservatives are committed to bringing in the brightest and best people from across Scotland as we make the changes our party needs for future success.”

Richard Keen QC said:

“I welcome the opportunity to assume the chairmanship of the Scottish Conservatives as we enter such a significant period in our political and constitutional history.

“As we face the potential break up of Britain, there are many in Scotland who will be reminded of the values of our party and its role in maintaining what is so much more than just the political union of the UK.”

Posted by Paul McConville




Filed under Politics, Rangers

342 responses to “The QC of Choice for Rangers Fans Gets a New Job!

  1. JimBhoy

    Hi School induction for my youngest tonight (Paul knows the great school), Me and my honey, started baby’s late, we travelled, , would anyone admit to starting too early, too late ? Rangers and haters..? I dunno?

    • JimBhoy

      I have been broody for 3 yrs!!

    • @Jimbhoy
      I was 36 when my eldest was born, and I think it is pretty much horses for courses. Sometimes I wish I started younger, bit only because I would like more time with the grandweans, if and when they come along. (A few years yet I hope.)
      I was Deffo grateful for the extra years life experiences when I became a single parent though. Mentally and financially!
      My own parents are now great grand parents, in every sense of the word. I don’t think I will ever experience that joy, but C’est la vie.

    • portpower

      @ JimBhoy

      My eldest daughter just finished her schooling on Wednesday. Online report to come.You have to love this new tool. They`re all to party 550km away. It`s called schoolies(thousands of young nutters enjoying what`s to come and to pick up the reigns down the track and run our world. Good times ahead). I hope I don`t have to bail her and all pals out. Uni next. I`m a Dad with proud punch in my Heart. God Bless the next generation.

  2. Ian4300

    September 5, 2013 at 2:15 pm
    Now let us have a look at the IPO money, if they have 6 million left, and 8 million went on non-recurring costs, that leaves 8 million.
    Now 8 million also rings a bell, it happens to be the difference between the 20 million income and the 28 million outgoings from last year.
    This is evidence the trading loss for 2012-13 will not be 12 million or 10 million, it will be 8 million, how clever am I ?

    How big a LIAR is Steerpike InDeNIALL?

    He is on trying to claim he forecast the losses at £12m & was very close.

    He Can’t handle the TRUTH never mind tell it.

    £8m is his WORST case scenario 😉

    • portpower

      Niall Walker

      I have been a director of Limited companies for 30 years, using the vat and paye for working capital is as common as salt, it is not fraud when the emergent cash flow problem becomes permanent, and you have used the HMRC contributions. CW is not being charged with trading while insolvent becaue he can claim the transfer window was the solution to his cashflow problems, it wasn’t and he called in the administrators.

      Businesses have cash fluctuations, and HMRC are flexible, sometimes it goes horribly wrong, CW did not intend to ruin Rangers, he was just a bad businessman, no wonder he specialised in liquidations.

      sevco pay a pence for salt FC


    • Steerpike

      Morning CAPLOCKS,

      Carry on ranting.

    • Steerpike

      ” £8m is his WORST case scenario ”

      mmmm….I thought you said my worst case scenario was 1.5 million.

      What a glorious Friday.

      • Ian4300

        Steerpike In DeNIALL no wonder you are a FAILED Accountant.

        I have never said £1.5m was your worst case scenario I said £8m..

        Your lies are becoming more blatent.

        Poor Diddums or should I say DIDDY… Master Bates indeed.

        :-). .

        • Ian4300

          September 5, 2013 at 2:15 pm
          Now let us have a look at the IPO money, if they have 6 million left, and 8 million went on non-recurring costs, that leaves 8 million.
          Now 8 million also rings a bell, it happens to be the difference between the 20 million income and the 28 million outgoings from last year.
          This is evidence the trading loss for 2012-13 will not be 12 million or 10 million, it will be 8 million, how clever am I ?

          There you go LIAR, £8m.

          How Clever are you?

          Master Bates sums you up.

          Monti KNOWS… 😉

  3. Fra

    Why would an eminent lawyer become a Tory puppet??

    Is it ego?? Is it a false sense of what the people want?? Does he want to be the Tory leader in Scotland then UK?? Is it delusions of grandeur?? Is it freemasonry at work??

    It cannot be cash!! It’s not for the good of the people as they represent a tiny minority!!

    Could it possibly be while sitting in a gentlemen’s club, sipping port, in Glasgow/Edinburgh, the members of that said club have filled his head with shite??

    Does he believe the hype?? More fool him for listening to the false prophets.

    Very similar to a mass following of gullible people who listen to any shite and worse still, BELIEVE THEM.

  4. Can I just say……… Willie Wonka is a perverted scumbag…..

  5. gortnamona, how are you going my friend?.. still wheelin the bike out in the bleak midwinter?

  6. lordmac

    this new report of police. investigating craig whyte, is going to be hard to defend by any rangers new want to be on the board directors, a top QC will have to convince the judge, what Mason Boyne sorry Masons Pinset
    where only investigating in between years when rangers where sevco scotland not sevo 5088, for them to state green and whyte don’t mix
    in glasgow and never have done, will only make rangers loose there licence, not from the SFA but from Uefa and Fifa can you imagine european clubs knowing there is a possibility that there could be euros to be had from the SFA, in compensation for illegal teams playing in europe. this QC will have to have a good idea as who will be presiding in court, giving him the confidence to go for it. there are a few judges that follow football diligently, and there are some who would have you believe they know nothing of it. but if its on points of law and money involved i am sure CRAIG whyte and octopus will be up to the task of defending themselves i think they have to use mason pinset to discredit
    craig whyte to save face and there licence first it could still be owned to eirley but for now they must get Craig Whyte seen as a non entity failure to do that, then as they say in november the games a boggie
    they are finished and will finish of the SFA

  7. portpower

    Is China Conservative and Unionist ?
    China is Green & White

    sevco little red white and bloo book FC

  8. portpower

    Who`ll save who?

    sevco chicken feed FC

  9. portpower

    Will Richard Keen QC take his offsiders that held his hand with him?
    Never trust a smerkie person.

    sevco Mr. red FC

  10. portpower

    Niall van der Walk

    The consortium headed by Charles Green has already stated sevco will be run on a firm financial footing( a la Fergus McCann), there will be no war chest chasing European glory ever again at sevco new plc.

    Apart from anything else, even the most optimistic sevco fan must anticipate further European bans for their EBT debacle, you don’t need a war chest to compete against Celtic in the SPL. I need to bless myself.

    sevco next Tuesday FC

  11. portpower

    Bhut there is us

    sevco is served FC

  12. portpower

    sevco never believe FC

  13. portpower

    sevco you heard it from our own no-one ELSE FC

  14. portpower

    sevco we don`t FC

    Applause, beware the spitter

  15. cam

    English scouts watching young James “Boaby” Forrest, left unimpressed after his Prestwick display.
    His ball control may be suitable for some Scots middens, but in the London clubs his technique would let him down.
    One onlooker was heard to gasp “is that all he’s got?”
    South American clubs who had been regaled with this massive talent have coined a new nickname for the bhoy wonder,,,El Chipolata.
    Late night sessions and being out on the bash contnuously, have stunted a once burgeoning career,Lenny will have to take matters in hand or this young man’s dribbling will be toilet bound.

  16. cam

    I do hope that Paul takes full responsibility for the wandering crazed loons when the entire purpose of this blog reaches its sorry end.
    To unleash some of the maniacs in here on society would be reckless endangerment.
    In a couple of years as the Gers full back up ends wee Boaby Forrest,the cry from the crowd will be “away ya hun charity thief”,,,”shows yer EBT ya currant”,,,,”send that improperly registered ba*@*rd off ya hun masonic c*@t”

    Did anyone notice the wee bit of naughtiness by the DR the other day?
    A wee story about Lawwell talking up a Chinese bhoy, had a picture of Emperor Ming at his most slitty, alongside the lad Zhang.
    Very inscrutable is the Coyote.

    • Ed Paisley

      GUT MORGEN cam
      why are you going on about wee Jamesy? Do all 22 year olds not get up to high jinx in a night club? I know what it is like in those Orange and Masonic halls every Friday night – people doing lines off sashes, carnal encounters with white stilettos peeking out below the cubicle door, e tabs everywhere. I heard that Nile Rogers was too scared to go into his local Masonic hall and he went to Studio 54 because it was tamer. His bud Bernard Edwards preferred the masons of course.
      So just leave the boy alone.
      Jamesy – that’s what happens when you become a Champions League superstar, I think they call it Tall Poppy Syndrome. Invent a story for the trash media and get a few quid.

      • cam

        Obviously if it’s just fiction then wee Boaby Forrest can sue for defamation.
        Being criticised for his tiny talent could have adverse affects on this young stand out prospect.
        I don’t know what type of shit holes you attend in Paisley Ted but i would just stay in and apply mosquito repellent if i were you.
        When is the next Euro humiliation for the riot squad Ted?
        I love Celtic in Europe, it creates such tension amongst the beggars whose life is defined by the pathetic displays of a bunch of wallopers,,,jings i’ve did it again!! i started off talking about a wee dick and now i’ve got caught in my zipper.

        • Ian4300


          You described the performances of Rangers to a tee, how we laughed at them & Fat Sally trying to pretend he know what was going.

          We thought it could not get any funnier… Then Rangers died & the Sevco Shambles came along attracting Spivs like a Magnet…. We All laughed again.

          How much funnier can things get we thought, A Tribute Act which is worse than Fran & Anna having a kick about.

          Then along comes Master Bates, alias Steerpike InDeNIALL, a Failed Accountant who could not count Two McGill Buses, it was really comedy Gold by now, but should get better.

          He has promised 100,000 words on how The Sevco Shambles will not only be viable but a presence in The Champions League One Year in every Three.

          I think it’s his Mother’s Medication which is the problem not her dinner.

          I blame you Big Cam, you let him out of the cellar..

    • portpower

      A pound from a shooping centre

      cam FC

    • portpower

      Sultana Sandy

  17. cam

    For the fundamentalists in here,,,,

    Trolls Have Souls…

    From time to time we receive contributions from people who are not Catholics; these range from Protestants belonging to various denominations, through to proclaimed atheists.

    Each from their own perspective, naturally, seek to “de-convert” us, and they offer all the usual arguments to “prove” to us that we are deceived, whether it be the Protestant view that the Catholic Church has long gone astray, is wicked and so on, or – in the case of atheists – that even the most basic claims of Christendom are bogus. To those sincerely bent on “de-converting” us from our Catholic Faith, allow me to disabuse you: this will not happen – ever. If, despite this assurance, you want to stick around, read on…

    All are welcome on this blog and we will do our best to engage with those who do not share our Catholic Faith. However, it is exasperating to discuss with someone who ignores or ridicules our responses. It is especially exasperating when we have spent time and energy researching a topic in order to address a particular question or criticism. It can test our Christian virtue to the limits to remain calm, as our policy demands: “Keep Calm & Talk To Trolls!”

    We do our best to be as welcoming as possible to everyone, including possible trolls, lest we fit the following Gospel description: “For if you (love and) salute your brethren only, what reward shall you have? Do not also the heathens this?” (Matthew 5:46-47).

    Shaking the dust from our feet and closing down a topic thread may ultimately be what we have to do to prevent acrimony developing, or when it seems that we are going round in circles with no apparent benefit to anyone. Please do not risk poisoning or worsening the atmosphere on the blog by publicly calling on the administrator to act against any individual. It is for the administrator to decide when the time is right to choose to either moderate the comments of individuals or terminate a topic thread.

    In the meantime, anyone who feels they’ve had enough and don’t want to discuss any more with any particular blogger – be they Catholic, Protestant, agnostic or atheist – so be it. There is no “thou shalt blog” commandment. All we ask is that our Catholic and non-Catholic bloggers alike treat one another with courtesy and respect, while, of course, understanding that it is the work of Catholic Truth to robustly counter all false ideas and beliefs. We are not remotely part of the ecumenical (let’s all go along to get along) brigade. Still, providing facts and figures, with a dash of good humour is more impressive by far than the same facts and figures delivered with the textual equivalent of a Glasgow Kiss

    • Gortnamona

      Same mealy mouthed shite as as usual.

      How many charity boxes did you knock off last night?

      Down the sewer you are going once again.

      That’s where shit goes.

      • Gortnamona

        You are not a sportsman Cam. You are a nasty back-biting little sectarian rat. I doubt if you ever took part in any sport in your life.

        • Gortnamona

          I missed out two-faced between nasty and back-biting.

        • cam

          Did a wee bit of the old noble art Gort,,,by jingo,what a hard game that is.
          The terrifying moment when your puff has gone,you’ve thrown your best shots and the bugger in front of you is smashing you up,,,,a bit like how you feel when you’re facing me old bean.

          Good for the soul my man,lets you know your place in the pecking order.
          Now get thee behind me Satan.

          • Gortnamona

            Did you fuck. I can spot a phoney a mile away. Mouthing off is all you’ve ever been good at little third division Hun.

            • cam

              You’ve just proved my point old bean,foul mouthed and abusive.Is it genetic do you think, or a fault of nurture?
              Unless there’s a handy roundabout of we can set up some charity bouts then we’ll never get to find out, bhoy!
              How do you feel about the new additions to the Gers board,what about the AGM,do you think Dave King has any role to play,who is your tip to serve jail time,do you wear lycra when you type and do i make your knackers all sweaty?

            • Gortnamona

              It’s not working scumbag bigot, because I really don’t give a flying fuck what you post. Secure in my mantle of honesty and decency that comes from a good Catholic upbringing I am impervious to Protestant Orange Bastards.

              You on the other hand, coming from inbred generations of bigots reared on diet of imagined superiority and hatred, are having to take whatever shit we choose to throw and we are enjoying ourselves.

              The whole rotten mixture of retarded sectarian scum, thugs and brainless zombies, thieves and cheats are not so slowly going down the sewer once again.

              And you don’t like it little sectarian rat. Do you?

            • cam

              Brilliant Gort!,,,that’s one of your very best and you’ve fair gave me a good laugh this morning.
              I can see that you’re a very decent chap and when your flying along at 60mph on your Chopper,you must be a splendid sight.
              What’s your take on the fracking issue?
              What about Ireland?,there must be plenty reserves over there,,,i would frack the whole place.

            • Monti


              I admire you my friend!

    • Ed Paisley

      You’ve done it Camster – you have discovered the Catholic Truth and you have returned to the fold from that misguided protestant path. We love sinners who repenteth on here. Welcome home.

      P.S. I’m at a certain Edinburgh shopping mall and looking in the window of a football memorabilia store. They have a 72 commemorative shirt signed by all of the team from Greigy to the Girvan Lighthouse. Do you want me to buy it? It is made from a cheap nylon type material so I’m sure it would burn easily.

      • cam

        Yeah Ted,buy it,wear it and feel holy at last.
        That Catholic Truth site is a mine of good giggles.
        Never saw so many rules applied to something in my life!
        It’s all about control Ted,,,and monet,,,shameful.

      • cam

        Ted,as a man who only occassionally loses his rag,can you explain why the Celtic bhoys are eternally raging?
        I mean,if it were reversed,i would be greetin wi laughter 24/7 and not spending hours cyber abusing folk.
        The industrial language used by the “oops father i’ve did it again mhob” is terrible and Paul’s advice is just ignored by his flock of green sheep.
        Do you agree with me Ted and put it down to that absolution guff.
        Crime and punishment Ted,hand in hand they go.

        • willy wonka

          @cam, “can you explain why the Celtic bhoys are eternally raging?” Lol.
          I just love reading gonorrheas posts. He has the sum total of NOTHING to say but spends all day here roaring and bawling.
          Hee hee heeee ! I picture him sitting there with a wee beetroot face, hammering away at his keyboard.

          • cam

            I love him like a brother!
            You read the advice put up by Paul and then you read the crazy one’s stuff and dissolve into laughter 🙂
            The guy is an unconscious comic genius.
            I can’t wait till their hero Craigie is carted away and all the loonballs theories melt like snow off of Gorts brow.

          • portpower

            @ willy wonka

            explain the paper

            seek help

    • portpower

      Frame your tea bag cam hr hire was there It`s a bit sandy with sunburrn

      sevco remind ourselvevs is it f or v FC

    • Maggie


      WAY back in the day camster you used to be sort of amusing.
      On occasion you could actually be funny and I,and many others,liked you.You seemed the sort of bear,whom you could engage in the banter of friendly rivalry with.You were quite clearly smarter than the average bear ( not difficult,I know, but heartening none the less)

      You seemed sort of realistic about the state of play at Sevco,though like all your fellow followers you were in denial about the new club situation.
      Fair enough on that front camster,you were in the first stages of grief and were clinging to any passing flotsam or jetsam of “bought history” to alleviate the pain until you came to terms with your grief.

      As time moved along,and Sevco started to make friends on its journey “back to where it belonged” aka the SPL,where it had never been,but we’ll gloss over that inacuracy,as it’s but a small point in our tale of Sevco woes,you were in your element of “peepuldom”.The world was Sevco’s oyster.Campbell and the brothers were ensuring all was well. Chico conned a shit load of money from other chancers and from you bears.We are STILL the peepul after all.Carry on as before bears.
      I’ve got it covered on the Random Thoughts blog of that arch Rangers’Hater Mc Conville.

      Problem there camster is,the taigs on here called it correct from the get go,from unscrupulous opportunist to unscrupulous opportunist,to convicted criminals,the bhoys nailed them,one by one,and exposed the chicanery at the heart of your zombie reincarnation.
      It happened camster,get over it,it’ll be better for your psyche if you try to.

      As we were busy exposing the heart of darkness and mercilessly mocking you,something primal,common to all your type,kicked in.
      The inherent hatred for the Irish diaspora and Catholicism.
      “listen guys,we can’t beat them on the field of play without cheating.We definitely can’t beat them on an intellectual level ( I credit theIr faith schools for that one) but we can play our ace that we always have up our sleeves,like the sneaky,sleekit cheats we are……The bigot card.It will enrage them and we can deflect to our hearts content,it’ll be brilliant.I need something to do at night anyway as I’m bored witless in that Watchman’s hut ”

      Well,you found your metier camster,you were on a roll.Deflection with humour was one thing,but this new found bile and nastiness couched as humour was your shining achievement on here.Take a bow,what a job you’re doing,sash D’Or award for you at the next forces day at Ibrox

      You are transparent in your attempts to deflect and enrage.You have absolutely NO actual defence in regard to the unscrupulous opportunists aka chancers laying waste to your new club.The real Rangers men who helped lay waste to your former club want to come back and do what ? Save Sevco? With what ? Not with THEIR money.Who’s goingto save Sevco now? Campbell and the brothers? Not on our watch camster.The taigs are onto him and St Peter of Lawwell is the gatekeeper in Campbells kingdom now
      And so you and your cohorts on here continue your rampage of bigotry.
      It’s all you’ve go left to keep you warm now,well that and your memorial orange tap.

      • Maggie


        Oh btw camster,control your separation anxiety and don’t be issuing half hourly queries about my whereabouts and wondering whether I’m in the huff or not.
        I’m a very busy person,I’ll not be available for the rest of the day or evening,but I might catch up with you tomorrow,have a nice “Protestant”
        afternoon and evening.

      • david

        ” Beat them on an intellectual level ”
        Like so much drivel posted on here, utter drivel.
        Presbyterian Scots- invented well, just about everything.
        Irish Catholics- invented, well cant think of anything at all really.
        Scottish Enlightenment v Irish backwardness.
        Here in Scotland, Catholic schools underperform compared to non-denominational ones. Fact. Only 2 in the top 50 schools in Scotland.
        One Scottish school, Kilmarnock Academy has produced 2 Nobel Prize winners, Boyd-Orr and Fleming, more than the whole of Ireland.

        • Kerrygirl

          Well how many catholic schools are in Scotland and how many Protestant ones,, and I deliberately used that term ,as every secondary non catholic school has a reverend as a pastor , not a cantor not a rabbi not a Buddhist monk, not an imam ,,,,, a Church of Scotland reverend , so get your mothers pants off , as you have soiled them

          • david

            You really are an imbecile. There are not 25 non-denominational schools in Scotland to every RC one. To show parity, there should be 9 Catholic schools in the top 50. There are 2.
            WTF is it with you and pants? You are disgusting, infantilism is a recognised illness, get help for it.

  18. Gortnamona

    Shameful, coming from a cheating thieving lying Hun and paid up member of the Army of Walking Shit. What next?

    • cam

      Next?,,,well i’m gonna slip this bridle on you and ride your sorry ass all day old bean.
      How’s the bog this morning?

      • Gortnamona

        Yeah Cam you’re a real tough little hun.
        Now fuck off back down the rat hole and
        join the rest of the vermin.

        • cam

          Look Ted,this cracker proves my point.
          He obviously got left in front of the telly late at night far too much as a kid.

          I forgive him and after reading some more of the Truth site i may come back and give him my blessing.

        • Gortnamona

          The Degenerate Wonker joins the Sectarian Rat.

          Tradition and Breeding

          For the Celtic Family it always will be:

          Faith of our fathers, living still
          In spite of dungeon, fire and sword,
          O how our hearts beat high with joy
          Whene’er we hear that glorious word!
          Faith of our fathers! holy faith!
          We will be true to thee till death!

          The Rotten Rangers Inheritance is:

          Following in the Foul Footsteps of your Fathers (and grandfathers and all the rest of the inbred cretins)

          ” “On the Rangers terracing on Saturday there was congregated a gang, thousands strong, including the dregs and scourings of filthy slumdom, unwashed yahoos, jailbirds nighthawks, won’t works, burro-barnacles and pavement pirates, all, or nearly all, in the scarecrow stage of verminous trampdom. This ragged army of insanitary pests was lavishly provided with orange and blue remnants…. Practically without cessation, the vagabond scum kept up a strident howl of the “Boyne Water” chorus. Nothing so bestially ignorant has ever been witnessed, even in the wildest exhibitions of Glasgow Orange Freemason Scumbag bigotry…”

          • cam

            So then Gort,,,about this ticket to the Brigton Young Defenders sash bash,,,are you still coming along?
            The guys have paid for the velcro wall,the suit and the whole caboodle,,,we’re depending on you for the Hurl a Gnome over the Garvaghy event.

            • Gortnamona

              Look for a refund and pay off at least some of the money you owe, instead of indulging in your childish sectarian antics.


            • cam

              I’m debt free old bean,my Protestant work ethic doesn’t allow me to do credit.
              Any chance of an invite with you and Mac on your next cycle tour for men who wear lycra?
              Just think the three of us under the canvas,swapping stories,clutching our pumps and rubbing salve into our crevices.Is that your tool set or are you just pleased to hear from me?
              I’m gonna go for a snooze now pal and hopefully you and i can keep spreading the love when i wake up.You have been a smooth ride this morning and i congratulate you on your choice of lubricant.

            • Gortnamona

              Well Cam

              If there’s one thing you Rangers’ Scumbags should be experts on it is lubricants as you’ve been ridden useless by every spiv and wide boy in the good old GB.

              I seem to be getting to you little man, but that sort of degenerate shit you are coming out with doesn’t bother me. Though you are showing a malignant and repulsive side to your nature.

              I understand that it comes from generations of inbred ignorance and hatred, but you will have to disassociate yourself from the rottenness or it will destroy you, just as it has done your club.

  19. portpower



  20. R. MacGeddon

    Cam for CEO.

    • cam

      You better not mean Catholic Extermination Officer,or i’ll be suing for defamation.
      I love my fellow man and after discovering the Truth i’m well on the road to conversion.
      Hang on i’m just practising my fake signature which gives me autonomy of the blog.

  21. portpower

    sevco send it to where FC

    cams` FC (mistake)

  22. portpower

    and don`t cam son

    To be named sevco religion Rastafarianism FC

  23. Scott Clark

    Something to ponder this morning?
    There has been a lot of talk about why Mr McCoist keeps stating that he needs to strengthen his team in January, and why they have a team of players who on their day can play at a much higher level?
    Well as a Hearts fan, watching how administration has affected us. I can tell you one possible reason why this strategy in player recruitment might be applied.
    If you suspected or knew that you would encounter an Administration event before the conclusion of the season, but you could still achieve promotion following your point deduction. It would be prudent to have players capable of playing at a higher level than you are current at.
    While in Administration following the point deduction your only other football punishment is a registration ban!
    If you had a div 3 level set of players and got promoted, you would have a hard time under the ban. But if you were already set up for the div above you, you could take a point deduction, get promoted, and still compete to get promoted to the SPL (or whatever we call it this week).
    Spivs jump ship with what they have made, rebels pick up club for a few millions. Club conceivably in SPL as Administration ends with increased incomes.
    Looked at that way and suddenly Mr McCoists statements look reasonably sensible. But not exactly part of an on-going business model.

  24. cam

    Ted,what’s this secrets of Fatima stuff?
    It sounds like a raiders of the lost ark type plot.

    • Raymilland


      Russia is Green & Whyte

      sevco обречен 😉

      • cam

        The Pope thinks he can succeed where Hitler and Napoleon failed.
        Only budgies succeed.

        • bill

          Jimmy went to a pet shop and asked how many budgies were in stock. “We have 99” replied the shop owner “Give us the lot” he said Jimmy, paid for them and left. He went to a tailors shop and had 99 pockets sewn into a jacket, put a budgie in each pocket, went up to the Post Office Tower and jumped off.

          He hit the ground with an almighty smack and lay there groaning until a passer-by came and asked him what had happened. “I don’t know sir” he replied “but that’s the last time I try that budgie jumping”

  25. JimBhoy

    Morning all, Friday, fairly mild today and a lovely weekend ahead I hope..Good luck to the Scots tonight, hopefully we are still seeing progress under Strachan.. HH

  26. portpower



  27. Eastside

    Craigy Bhoy Whyte walked into Ibrox a poor man, the Sevconians INSISTISTED on donating their life savings and the Assets of Rangers to him. I for one applaud their generosity!

  28. cam

    I wonder if this Micky is a bhoy?
    Terrible and from a man of his age as well!

    • portpower

      sevco until next month

      sevco line up. cam your`re one. Away you go you right footed person

      cam humble beginnings sevco will believe

      don`t we compare the name sevco to Derek

    • willy wonka

      @cam, isn’t that just like them ? Blames his 16 year old son.
      “Honest your honour, a big boy did it and ran away.” Lol.
      Probably the same Juan Guy who did all the rioting in Amsterdam or who split Dallas’ head.

  29. portpower

    Know how to land growling

    sevco that way FC keep away from Greenock. Woodside stone


  30. portpower

    Spicey cam captain morgans
    The I

    sevco allude FC

  31. cam

    Well that’s the Xmas lights turned on.Wee Sadie Docherty the LP did the biz.
    Her hubbie Willie used to be top dawg at City Building before a wee retirement,,,hope to see them along at Ibrox soon.
    My political campaign is coming on leaps and bounds,we’re all Ready for Reformation Mk2 and my democratic pledge to give 18% of the populace 18% of the power, should see us coast to victory.
    Power to the Peepul.

  32. portpower

    Hymn e nothing there

    you`se cost the country

    drlrtr if my delete you`re you`re

    sevco you`re you`re pretend FC

  33. Paul

    “I can’t wait till their hero Craigie is carted away and all the loonballs theories melt like snow off of Gorts brow”.

    How to turn a hero into a villain to deflect from the real thieves in the background.
    Wealth off the radar is the biggest lie ever reported about your club and you fell for it. Whilst Swally was trying to be a manager amongst the big boys your club was been ransacked from within and Craigie boy realised this and took the opportunity to help himself to what the rest had left, Arsenal shares,Bicycle and the PAYE.
    Craigie is no fool and had the situation well sussed he took out an insurance policy from Ticketus to clear the bank and left himself a tidy wee profit all for a pound and who says a pound wont buy much these days.
    On the subject of ticketus this mob have been funding SDM all along and not one penny of his own money was spent as he borrowed and shifted all money to his other companies and left Rangers the debts.The bank debt could have been cleared easily with a couple of transfers etc,but shrewd men and liars do not spend their own money, David King,Easdales,Murray and so on. 18 million for Fsake is not a big debt but 50mill in tax is and Murray was not convinced of his innocence or he would have held on and cut his cloth accordingly and this would have been acceptable in a recession as no other team in the SPL were spending.

    Think about the other real damage, a manager pumped out of two European tournaments,knocked off top spot in SPL and then pumped out of every domestic tournament.No wonder wee Craigs eyes looked like they were popping out of their head he just seen Swally throw away the best part of 30mill plus spin offs in commercialism.
    The BTC was not White, the wee tax case was White and had Swally been good at his job there would still be a Rangers regardless of the BTC as the club would be a going concern, ask yourself why the taxman was not prepared to do a CVA, So White may be seen as a tongue in cheek hero to Celtic fans but that is where it ends mate, to you lot he was a hero put on a pedestal by your media and turned into villain to deflect the real damage that was SDM and his crew.
    Craig White is not going anywhere without the rest going with him all he did was take you into Admin the rest followed a natural course the taxman was not allowing two tax cases from the same company and club and as a result craig left the building and green entered,the club was bought the taxman never got his money and did what he does best liquidated the club and set them free, debt free and a new life as a new club.Remember you can buy assets and that is what happens in liquidation sale and as they say the rest is history, and you do not carry on the history of a dead entity so you were screwed by one and all and you have a new club call it what you want but dead means dead.just like Steerpike at the motel pretends he is his mother who is also him.
    If the taxman has not got his PAYE he will get White for it at some point maybe, but he can if he is caught pay this money and continue on his way, so what is going on at the moment is not White’s shady dealings but the shady dealings of what came after White the new chapter when Green stepped in and how he got your asset’s and who actually owns them.As far as Rangers is concerned they are history and not in the equation you cannot hang a dead man twice.
    Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.Fool me three times or more call me a Sevconian.

    • bill

      Rangers new owner Charles Green faces company name problems

      By Martin Conaghan – 16th june 2012

      BBC Scotland has learned that Charles Green’s Sevco 5088 company is not currently permitted to inherit the name ‘The Rangers Football Club’.

      Any attempt to adopt the name ‘The Rangers Football Club’ would require the approval of the liquidators, BDO.

      Companies House has said that a name change application has not been made by Sevco 5088, and may not be possible.

      The consortium claims the full company name has already been transferred over by the administrators Duff & Phelps.

      ‘The Rangers Football Club P.L.C.’, which has the registered company number SC004276, has not yet been dissolved, but will inevitably be liquidated due to unpaid debts.

      BBC Scotland can confirm that the company’s liquidators, BDO, have not yet taken control of the company’s affairs, and may not do so for some time.

      Continue reading the main story
      “Sevco 5088 would not be able to apply to change its name to The Rangers Football Club Ltd. until either the original company is fully dissolved, a process which can take about a year to complete, or the receivers give the go-ahead for the name change to take place”

      Companies House spokesperson

      Green’s consortium confirmed to BBC Scotland that a purchase of the assets and intellectual property of The Rangers Football Club P.L.C. has been concluded with the administrators Duff & Phelps, which includes the company name.

      A Rangers spokesman told BBC Scotland: “The administrators have already given their approval for the name change and the process will be completed shortly.

      “The company name was part of the assets of the company which was sold to Charles Green’s consortium.”

      The spokesman also said any regulatory problems related to changing Sevco 5088’s name to The Rangers Football Club Ltd are not currently an issue because liquidation of the old company has not yet commenced.

      However, a Companies House spokesperson told BBC Scotland: “Sevco 5088 would not be able to apply to change its name to ‘The Rangers Football Club Ltd’ until either the original company is fully dissolved, a process which can take about a year to complete, or the receivers give the go-ahead for the name change to take place.

      “From a regulations standpoint, once the receivers or the liquidators/administrators for the current PLC agree to a name change, Sevco 5088 could then apply to change its name to ‘The Rangers Football Club Ltd’.

      “If they apply without following this procedure, systems are in place to flag up names which are too similar.”

      Article 10.7 of the Scottish FA’s Articles of Association states that the name of a club cannot be changed without SFA board approval, while Article 74.2 states that a club’s name cannot be changed to anything linked with sponsorship.

      The Scottish Premier League has no specific regulations regarding the naming of clubs or their parent companies.

      Continue reading the main story
      “The administrators have already given their approval for the name change and the process will be completed shortly. The company name was part of the assets of the company which was sold to Charles Green’s consortium”

      Rangers newco spokesman

      Green’s newco continues to trade under the name Sevco 5088, which has the company number 08011390, meaning it was registered in England. The sole director listed on the Companies House website is Charles Alexander Green, and while the company may trade under any name it chooses, its legal name cannot be the same or similar to another company in the register.

      The ‘Sevco’ prefix is a generic company name, often used by organisations which register companies on someone else’s behalf. Sevco names can be registered in bulk through Companies House and renamed at a later date as long as strict naming criteria are met.

      Companies House is a government agency run by the department of business and enterprise and deals with the registration and incorporation of UK businesses. All documentation relating to limited companies, including information such as company names, directors, accounts and share allocations, must be processed through the agency.

      The proposed name for the new Rangers company is ‘The Rangers Football Club Ltd’. All UK companies limited by liability via shares or guarantee must end with ‘Limited’ or ‘Ltd.’ – only public companies traded on the stock exchange can end in PLC or P.L.C.

      Shares in Rangers Football Club were suspended from the Plus Stock Exchange on 9 January.

      Other companies currently registered at Companies House with similar names include: Rangers Limited, Limited, The Rangers FC Group Limited, Rangers Football Club of Glasgow Ltd, Rangers GB Limited and Rangers (2012) Ltd.


      Sevco 5088 LimitedEdit details

      Company Number: 08011390
      Company Type: Private limited with share capital
      SIC Code: —

      Inc. Date: 29 Mar 2012

      Registered Address:

      35 Vine Street
      EC3N 2AA
      United Kingdom

      According to documents filed by electronic format at companies house on the 14th November 2013 Charles green is claiming that he resigned his directorship in sevco 5088 ltd on the 15th june 2012 which was 17 months ago

      • bill

        The annual return for sevco 5088 ltd has finally been filed by electronic format at companies house on the 14th November 2013 – ( 8 months late )
        Last Return Made Up To: 29/03/2013


        law finiancial ltd owned by craig whyte ( 10,000,000 shares )

        7side secretarial ltd – 1 share


        Willow int ( 5,000,000 shares )

        Korissa capital inc ( 5,000,000 shares )

        liberty capital markets ltd ( 5,000,000 shares) linked to chariot (uk) ltd

        • bill

          Annual return for sevco 5088 ltd filed by electronic format on the 14th November 2013 record two directors of the company

          Mr Aidan Chan Edmund Early
          Mitchley Trap Lane
          New Malden
          KT3 4RU

          Mr Craig Thomas Whyte ( DOB-18TH JAN 1971 )
          Castle Grant
          Granton On Spey
          DH26 39S


          • bill

            Charles Green ‘appointed Craig Whyte to Rangers buyout company’

            By Mike Farrell 12 April 2013 17:59 BST

            Rangers chief executive Charles Green signed off on Craig Whyte’s appointment as a director of the company used in the initial stages of his buyout, according to documents lodged at Companies House.

            Documents seen by STV appear to show Mr Green’s signature verifying the appointments of Mr Whyte and his associate Aidan Earley as directors of Sevco 5088 Limited.

            This appears to contradict a statement made by Mr Green in an interview with STV this week. When asked what part did Mr Whyte and Mr Earley have in Sevco 5088, he said: “Neither of them had a role in Sevco 5088.”

            However, Rangers have cast doubt on the validity of the documents.

            A club statement said: “Mr Green is appalled by this blatant attempt to discredit him.These documents are not correct or valid and he did not sign Craig Whyte or his associate on as directors of Sevco 5088.

            “Mr Green was the sole director of Sevco 5088 until he resigned and became the founder director of Sevco Scotland, formed by Scottish solicitors.”

            The revelations are the latest in the dispute between the former Rangers owner and the current chief of the club.

            The directorial appointment forms, which have been filed several months late, show the signatures of the former Sheffield United chief executive, alongside those of Mr Whyte and Mr Earley. It is claimed the forms were signed during a meeting in London on May 9, 2012, three days before Duff and Phelps signed an offer letter with Sevco 5088 in a £5.5m deal for the club’s assets.

            The Rangers statement added: “If this documentation was correct then, as Sevco 5088 was formed as the initial bid vehicle, the administrators would have been negotiating a sale of the club to a company which had a director who was clearly forbidden from being involved with it.

            “Furthermore, it should strike people as deeply suspicious that these documents are being filed today 11 months after they were supposedly signed and on other documents Mr Green’s home address has been mysteriously changed without his knowledge.

            “Furthermore, notice was filed publicly in January this year by Field Fisher Waterhouse and is on record at Companies House company seeking to strike off the company, yet four months later directors appointments are now being supposedly filed.”

            According to records at Companies House, Sevco 5088 was created as an off-the-shelf company by a Cardiff-based secretarial firm on March 29, over a month after Rangers were put into administration on February 14.

            The appointment forms for the company, which is registered to the address of London legal firm Field Fisher Waterhouse, were lodged with Companies House on Friday.

            Companies House confirmed the documents had been accepted but had not yet been scanned in to be made available on its website.

            Legal action

            The documents are believed to make up part of Mr Whyte’s legal action against Mr Green, his associate Imran Ahmad and Rangers, as the former owner claims they acted as a “front” for him during the buyout of the club’s assets after a company voluntary arrangement (CVA) failed last summer.

            Mr Green has denied the claims and stated that the club would be handed a file on Mr Whyte and Mr Earley’s conduct to Police Scotland.

            In an interview with STV this week, Mr Green said, when asked about Mr Whyte and Mr Earley’s involvement in Sevco 5088: “Neither of them had a role in Sevco 5088. That was a company formed by Field Fisher Waterhouse for the purpose of acquiring Rangers.

            “Of course, what everyone knows, in the ensuing weeks, as the model unfolded, Sevco Scotland acquired Rangers, not Sevco 5088.

            “The company that was originally formed was not required and was handed back to Craig Whyte.”

            Mr Green also stated that he was the first shareholder and the company was used to “start the process of negotiating with Duff and Phelps”.

            Mr Whyte claims that he and Mr Earley were the men behind Sevco 5088, which Duff and Phelps identified in the CVA proposal on May 29 had been granted “exclusivity to complete a takeover of the company or a purchase of the company‘s business and assets by 30 July 2012. Sevco [5088] made a payment of £200,000 to the company for such exclusivity.”

            Recordings of the meeting between the three men on May 9 last year, obtained and released by STV, showed Mr Green asking Mr Whyte for £25,000 to pay legal fees to Field Fisher Waterhouse in relation to the creation and running of Sevco 5088.

            Mr Green told STV he had asked for the cash and a £25,000 cheque from a business account associated with Mr Earley was deposited in his account on May 11, but bounced on May 14. However, STV has seen evidence that suggests the money was paid out and cleared from Mr Earley’s account on May 15, 2012.

            During the meeting when the appointment forms were signed by Mr Green, who was appointed a director of Sevco 5088 four days earlier, the current chief executive is heard in recordings released by The Scottish Sun saying to Mr Whyte: “You are Sevco”.

            Police report

            The current Ibrox chief executive also signed off a proposal to strike off and dissolve Sevco 5088 on December 27 last year, although it has not been dissolved.

            Companies House confirmed that as a result of the appointment filings on Friday, the move to dissolve the entity had been put on hold for a period of six to eight weeks.

            The winding up move for Sevco 5088 by Mr Green came 15 days after Mr Whyte’s legal representatives had sent him and Rangers a letter warning of legal action, accusing the Yorkshireman’s consortium of “deception” and “unjust enrichment” during the buyout of the club’s assets.

            On Tuesday, Rangers released a statement which said that following a meeting with the club’s lawyers, Biggart Baillie, and its security team, it would be submitting a file to Police Scotland “asking that they investigate claims made by Aidan Earley and Craig Whyte.”

            The club’s English lawyers Allen & Overy have written to Mr Whyte and Mr Earley over the claims.

            @ cambam

            Legal action

            The documents are believed to make up part of Mr Whyte’s legal action against Mr Green, his associate Imran Ahmad and Rangers, as the former owner claims they acted as a “front” for him during the buyout of the club’s assets after a company voluntary arrangement (CVA) failed last summer.

            Mr Green has denied the claims and stated that the club would be handed a file on Mr Whyte and Mr Earley’s conduct to Police Scotland.

            In an interview with STV this week, Mr Green said, when asked about Mr Whyte and Mr Earley’s involvement in Sevco 5088: “Neither of them had a role in Sevco 5088. That was a company formed by Field Fisher Waterhouse for the purpose of acquiring Rangers.

            “Of course, what everyone knows, in the ensuing weeks, as the model unfolded, Sevco Scotland acquired Rangers, not Sevco 5088.

            “The company that was originally formed was not required and was handed back to Craig Whyte.”

            Mr Green also stated that he was the first shareholder and the company was used to “start the process of negotiating with Duff and Phelps”.

            Mr Whyte claims that he and Mr Earley were the men behind Sevco 5088, which Duff and Phelps identified in the CVA proposal on May 29 had been granted “exclusivity to complete a takeover of the company or a purchase of the company‘s business and assets by 30 July 2012. Sevco [5088] made a payment of £200,000 to the company for such exclusivity.”

            Recordings of the meeting between the three men on May 9 last year, obtained and released by STV, showed Mr Green asking Mr Whyte for £25,000 to pay legal fees to Field Fisher Waterhouse in relation to the creation and running of Sevco 5088.

            Mr Green told STV he had asked for the cash and a £25,000 cheque from a business account associated with Mr Earley was deposited in his account on May 11, but bounced on May 14. However, STV has seen evidence that suggests the money was paid out and cleared from Mr Earley’s account on May 15, 2012.

            During the meeting when the appointment forms were signed by Mr Green, who was appointed a director of Sevco 5088 four days earlier, the current chief executive is heard in recordings released by The Scottish Sun saying to Mr Whyte: “You are Sevco”.

            @ lets hope police Scotland conduct a proper investigation, including what information was given to the sfa & d&p by mr green and co

      • Raymilland


        Green’s entire argument now appears to rest upon the authenticity of his signature; he has already lost all credibility.

        Green’s failure to provide escrow instructions of the transaction between CW and his agreement of the involvement of Sevco Scotland Ltd is utterly pathetic.

        When is BDO gonnae get the finger oot?

        • bill

          Charles Green agreed to receive £25,000 from Craig Whyte’s associate

          By Mike Farrell 9 April 2013 18:00 BST

          Rangers chief executive Charles Green agreed to receive a £25,000 payment from Craig Whyte’s business partner during the early stages of his buyout of the club.

          The transaction was made from Aidan Earley to Mr Green’s personal bank account, as the Sevco consortium moved into poll position in the bidding process.

          STV has seen evidence that appears to suggest the £25,000 was sent to Mr Green’s account on May 11, 2012.

          In an interview with STV News, Mr Green stated the cheque, which was to be used to pay legal fees for Field Fisher Waterhouse, bounced and he ended up paying the lawyers himself.

          The exchange makes up part of the legal case Mr Whyte is launching against Mr Green and his group, claiming that they were acting as a “front” for him during the £5.5m deal for the club’s assets last summer.

          STV has also obtained a recorded conversation between Mr Green and Mr Whyte, which is said to have taken place on May 9 last year, in which the former Sheffield United chief executive said: “I f*****g, I need money off you (Craig Whyte)” to cover the Field Fisher Waterhouse bill.

          On Tuesday, a Rangers spokesperson commented: “This nonsense has gone on long enough and it’s time to call a halt. Following meetings earlier this week and again today, Biggart Baillie and the club’s internal security are submitting a file to Strathclyde Police and asking that they investigate claims made by Aidan Earley and Craig Whyte.

          Also, Allen & Overy have written to Craig Whyte and Aidan Earley on behalf of the Club, Charles Green and Imran Ahmad. It is now in the hands of our lawyers both in Scotland and England. There is no more to be said.”

          The payment is believed to relate to the setting up of the off-the-shelf company, Sevco 5088 Limited, which was the vehicle that Mr Whyte claims he and Mr Green were using to takeover Rangers. Sevco 5088 was identified by administrators Duff and Phelps days later as being the newco that would purchase the club’s assets in the event of the failure of a company voluntary arrangement (CVA).

          Documentation seen by STV appears to suggest that £25,000 was paid out and cleared from a business account associated with Mr Earley on May 15, six days after his meeting with Mr Green and Mr Whyte.

          Mr Green told STV: “My Whyte didn’t pay money into my bank account. £25,000 was put into my bank account. For legal costs. And three days later, the cheque bounced.”

          Mr Green stated that the cheque was from New Malden, the area of Surrey where Mr Earley is based. Mr Green stated it was “to cover the legal expenses that Aidan Earley and Mr Whyte had incurred in starting up the process with Field Fisher Waterhouse, who refused to do any further work without money up front.”

          In the audio recording of the meeting, Mr Green is heard saying to Mr Whyte: “Well, the next step is, we’ve got to f*****g give them (Field Fisher Waterhouse) some money.”

          He is also heard saying that he will tell the legal firm “Oh, Craig’s gone, Craig’s gone” in relation to the £25,000 payment.

          Mr Green adds: “I f*****g, I need money off you [Craig Whyte].” Mr Whyte is heard responding: “Yeah, if you, if you give me your details I’ll cover whatever you’ve got to pay out. It’s not a problem.”

          The recording shows that Mr Green responded: “What I’m saying is, there’s no f*****g, there’ll be no trace into my f*****g bank account. But I’ll f*****g, but I’ll do it now, I’ll write it out now. I’ll give them a cheque for £25,000 from me.” He adds: “I’m the f*****g director of the company. I’m their client, I’ll give them twenty-five grand.”

          Mr Whyte has instructed a London QC to prepare a writ to be served on the current Rangers regime, claiming they have carried out “unjust enrichment” through “deception”. In a letter warning of legal action sent to Rangers, Mr Green and finance director Imran Ahmad last December, Mr Whyte alleges that the group were brought into the Rangers buyout process to act as a “front” for him.

          He claims to have evidence that backs up his statements, while last week Mr Green stated in an interview with the Scottish Sun on Sunday that he and Mr Ahmad had told Mr Whyte “what he wanted to hear” because they wanted to “keep him sweet to prise the club away from him”.

          Mr Green told STV that he has spoken to Rangers’ lawyers and is planning on submitting a report to Police Scotland in relation to the conduct of Mr Whyte, who purchased Sir David Murray’s 85% stake for £1 in May 2011.

          • bill

            Regulatory Story
            Go to market news section View chart Order free annual report Print

            Company Worthington Group PLC
            TIDM WRN
            Headline Conditional Fee Agreement
            Released 16:09 24-Apr-2013
            Number 1555D16

            RNS Number : 1555D

            Worthington Group PLC

            24 April 2013


            Worthington Group Plc

            24th April 2013


            Worthington Group Plc (the “Company”) – Conditional Fee Agreement

            Conditional Fee Agreement

            The Company is pleased to announce that Law Financial Ltd (“Law Financial”), its 26% owned associate, has now entered into a Conditional Fee Agreement in relation to claims that Law Financial, through its subsidiary Sevco 5088 Ltd and separately, has to all of the business and assets of The Rangers Football Club (“Rangers”) which were purchased from the Administrators of RFC 2012 Plc by Sevco 5088 Limited, or Sevco Scotland Ltd, in June of 2012.

            The principle terms of the Conditional Fee Agreement are as follows:

            Solicitors and Leading Counsel acting for Law Financial will share 7.5% of the recently issued and to be issued unsecured convertible loan stock and up to 18.5% of any successful claim in relation to the business and assets of Rangers.

            The Company notes the announcement made on 22 April 2013 by Rangers International Football Club Plc (“RIFC”) in which, contrary to other recent public announcements and statements by Mr Green and RIFC, RIFC now, five months after the publication of the Admission Document published for its flotation, claim to own Sevco 5088 Ltd.

            We also note today’s announcement by RIFC, and would like to confirm that solicitors, acting for the Company and Law Financial, are in a position to provide compelling evidence that Messrs Green and Ahmad received a letter before claim in December 2012, having received previous correspondence, and chose to ignore it.

            In the light of recent public admissions by Mr Green, including his admission that he and Mr Ahmad deceived Mr Whyte, a fresh letter before claim is being prepared against, inter alios, The Rangers Football Club Ltd and Messrs Green and Ahmad. This letter will include additional or alternative causes of action to those already particularised in the December 2012 letter.

            The shares in RIFC purportedly owned by Messrs Green and Ahmad will also be the subject of this claim.

            During the course of the Company’s due diligence process, relating to its purchase of a stake in Law Financial, information has been discovered relating to the conduct of Mr Charles Green and Mr Imran Ahmad, this has today been reported to the Serious Fraud Office.


            Douglas Ware, CEO Worthington Group Plc:

            Anne Alesbury, PD Cosec Limited,

            Company Secretary, Worthington Group Plc on 0208 940 0963

            This information is provided by RNS

            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

            • bill

              Companies House said only people with access to the online authorisation code for the company sevco 5088 ltd could have terminated the appointment, while it was unable to clarify who had lodged them. The e-forms relating to the moves do not name the individual behind them, while no signatures are present on the forms as they were submitted via the registrar’s website.

              Last week Worthington Group plc, which has close links to Mr Whyte and Mr Earley, announced to the stock exchange that it would be funding the legal action against Rangers after receiving advice that it had a “prima facie case”. Mr Whyte has sold a 26% stake in his firm Law Financial Limited, which he claims owns Sevco 5088 ltd as well as several other companies, under the £250,000 deal.

    • JimBhoy

      Good read Paul and funny mate..Thanks for sharing that. 🙂 HH

  34. Cam….. “what about Ireland?…….. I would frack the whole place”…….

    Two of our resident huns are occupying their thoughts regarding some lame…spurious gossip of a young man “allegedly” exposing himself in a night club………. sexual misconduct being their favorite topic…….
    Speaking of exposure cam your comment about “fracking” a whole country to my thinking “EXPOSES” you as some kind of racist nut job.
    Also your rant about respecting the affiliations of newcomers to the blog & wait for it….not deviating from the blog topic……that coming from you, is a grotesque, but I’m sure an unintended irony.
    cam & wonka……..verminous trampdom…. indeed……..

    • mcfc

      @nac – what will be left in cam and wanka’s lives when the focus of their “superiority” is gone – I mean really, really gone – beyond all doubt – ranting and hating is all they’ll have – sad wee men in sad wee lives with not even a sad tribute act to brag about. Oh and Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs will be hunting down their heroes one by one for years to come. Time to buy some Buckie shares.

    • Monti


      A pair of Wanka’s if you like 😉

  35. Monti

    Would love Celtic to sign Steven Ireland for a season & give him the number 32 Jersey!

    Graffiti on the wall…….

  36. Peter Lawell at the Celtic AGM when asked about the SMSM portraying Rangers old and new

    • willy wonka

      Just about what is expected from the classless Liewell.
      Lol. Tell them about your complaints to UEFA Peter.

      • Raymilland


        Fluff it up!

      • @Willy
        Enough class to hold an AGM and debate issues with the fans!
        Have Sevco ever done that? In fact when was the last time Rangers had an AGM before they died.? Must be about
        4 years since the Loo room(misprint intended) seen an annual, that’s ANNUAL gm.
        You only have one when THEY want something! Wee Craigy will chair the next one and Aiden will be your Chief exec.
        Suck on that ya Fanny!

  37. Monti

    Peter Lawwell is the man 🙂

    Go on Pedro, straight intae them! HH!

  38. Paul

    wonka bar has no-one found the gold ticket to claim your Abestosdome?
    Liked the scene where Wonka White leaves the place to Charlie for handing back the everlasting gobstopper.the irony is killing us.

    • bill

      Friday, 15 November 2013 15:00
      Today’s Daily Record


      Re Daily Record (Friday, 15 November 2013) – “Powerless – Gardiner says no to Gers top job as Ibrox board refuse to let him run club his way”

      For the avoidance of doubt the club would like to clarify the following:-
      Mr Gardiner never made demands about having the power to hire and fire directors. Any journalist with a modicum of business understanding would know that would be a preposterous demand.
      Mr Gardiner made no comments whatsoever about the “Rangers PR machine.” Indeed he had many constructive and friendly face to face meetings and phone calls with our PR adviser.
      We are satisfied that Mr Gardiner’s views are not reflected in The Record which raises the question – did he actually speak to the paper?

      The Rangers board continue to be dismayed at the standards of journalism from The Daily Record and can only assume that the paper is riddled from top to bottom with an anti-Rangers bias.

      • bill

        RNS Number : 8444C

        Rangers Int. Football Club PLC

        22 April 2013


        22 April 2013

        Rangers International Football Club plc

        (“Rangers” or the “Company”)

        Director Declaration

        In accordance with AIM Rule 17 and further to the Company’s admission document dated 7 December 2012, the Company confirms that in addition to the directorships disclosed in the admission document, Charles Green and Brian Stockbridge held directorships in the following companies, each of which is a subsidiary of the Company, at the time of publication of the document:

        Charles Green

        Rangers Retail Limited

        SEVCO 5088 Limited

        The Rangers Football Club Limited

        Rangers Financial Services Limited

        Rangers Matchday Services Limited

        Rangers Media Investments Limited

        Rangers Youth Development Limited

        RANGERS.CO.UK Limited

        Rangers Media Limited

        Rangers Security Services Limited

        The Rangers Shop Limited

        Brian Stockbridge

        The Rangers Football Club Limited

        Rangers Financial Services Limited

        Rangers Matchday Services Limited

        Rangers Media Investments Limited

        Rangers Youth Development Limited

        RANGERS.CO.UK Limited

        The Rangers Shop Limited

        Rangers Retail Limited

        Rangers Security Services Limited

        Rangers Media Limited

        For further information please contact:

        Rangers International Football Club plc

        Brian Stockbridge, CFO

        Tel: 0141 580 8647

        Cenkos Securities plc

        Stephen Keys, Adrian Hargrave, Max Hartley (Corporate Finance)

        Russell Kerr (Corporate Broking)

        Tel: 020 7397 8900

        Newgate Threadneedle

        Graham Herring / John Coles / Roddy Watt / Fiona Conroy

        Tel: 020 7148 6143

        This information is provided by RNS

        The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

      • Very touchy all of a sudden! Desperation creeping in there.

  39. lordmac

    must be a protestant thing, this cheating. Cheating there own race out of money, and even at sport, trying to deny CRAIG whyte as being the owner, the same wee guy that came in with all his money from MOTHERWELL, yet once his money was spent he gets a boot up the arse and ditched, just like the Army, the Navy, and the RAF. as did with DAVE KING, David Murray, Charles Green,
    CRAIG MATHER, and they then dip LIZZYS purse, and charities on the way, so sad that the protestant race, only has eyes for the shilling,
    how can any protestant wrap him self up in a union jack, swear allegiance to the queen , yet slip the hand in, all over here drawers for money

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