Category Archives: Craig Whyte v Rangers

Whyte v Green – The Battle for Rangers Continues! Mr Whyte Gets Serious

The Daily Record today reports further dramatic developments in the battle for control of Rangers Football Club.

According to the Record Craig Whyte is pursuing his claims that Mr Green reneged on a deal they had agreed after the company which owned the football team went into administration.

Mr Whyte is looking for a piece of the pie, and a large one at that!

I will, as long as I can avoid being dragooned into gardening, go through what Mr Green was quoted as saying in the Sun yesterday in detail. That is not to say that he is necessarily right or wrong in what he alleges, but, as I explain below, Mr Whyte seems committed to this course of action, perhaps more than people might expect (and some of those in Ibrox might be surprised by his resolve too).

There are some points though which I think are worthy of note. Continue reading


Filed under Charles Green, Courts, Craig Whyte v Rangers, Rangers