“The Return of the McConville” and Thanks for Some Remarkable Figures

Hi! I’m back! Did I miss anything?

Contrary to the non-existent rumours, I have not spent the last week locked in a store cupboard in Murray Park, or imprisoned in one of the Ibrox Towers – nor have I been detained within the offices of the Rangers lawyers (although I did have occasion to visit them on entirely unrelated business).

No – real life and work have been intervening and I seem to have spent the last week or so on trains to courts here and there and have written professionally around 100,000 words on various exciting topics.

And therefore I wish to mark my reappearance with “The Return of the Mack”Conville!

And now time to say thank you!

This blog started in May 2011. I realise, looking back, that it took a wee while before I started to write about Rangers, and one of my earliest posts on the subject was about why they would never go out of business!

As time passed there became more and more legal issues arising in connection with the football organisation and its assorted owners and suitors.

Various writers, such as Phil Mac Giolla Bhain, Andy Muirhead and posters on Kerrydale Street, researched the business backgrounds of folk like Craig Whyte and ahead of them all was RTC, the anonymous prize-winning creator of RangersTaxCase.com. RTC created, by accident rather than design, a clearing house where lots of people from various backgrounds gathered and shared information, which was initially ignored by Rangers fans and the main stream Scottish media.

As time passed those issues became almost as important as the goings-on at Ibrox themselves! “Succulent lamb” moved from the menus of Scotland to discussions on press reporting.

I wrote about the numerous legal issues which cover about every single area of law you could imagine. People read the blog. People commented on it.

People commented more and more regularly. Often the comments were far better than the original post which had prompted them.

Guest posters came on board too and contributed illuminating pieces on various topics, and to every one of them I am hugely grateful.

We even have some die-hard Rangers fans who have been prepared to come on to what is perceived as a “Celtic” site and fight their corner, some with the wit and charm of cam, for example.

And so, a few weeks ago, I was looking at the WordPress statistics page for the blog and noticed that the number of hits for the blog was now in excess of 6 million!


And coincidentally, a week or so ago, we reached 100,000 approved comments on the blog.


Bearing in mind that the first couple of months’ reading figures are now often exceeded in an hour, it is a remarkable how things progress. I have not tried to count how many words I have written here – too many some might say – but it is knowing that people read what I write and that some find it interesting and enlightening, and occasionally entertaining, which keeps me going on. Even if no one reads it, I would still do it, but as long as there are interesting legal and law-related matters coming from Rangers, I will keep trying to explain them (although frankly much of what has happened is totally inexplicable!)

So thank you to all who have read and contributed, and to those who simply read and pass on.

Thank you to the people who have spoken to me in real life about the blog – I can honestly say that, for all of the rather unpleasant comments which are made directly or indirectly to or about me across the internet over the last couple of years, there has not been one person who has raised an issue with me face to face.

Everyone who has spoken to me has been very complimentary, although a common theme is that my posts can be a bit long…

So here is to the next 6 million hits and the next 100,000 comments.

Maybe by the time we reach them, Rangers International Football Club PLC will actually have held an AGM!


Posted by Paul McConville


Filed under Blogging

162 responses to ““The Return of the McConville” and Thanks for Some Remarkable Figures

  1. Pensionerbhoy

    Missed your blogs over the last week or so. Congratulations on the success of the site. I only hope some of the next 100,000 commenters will be a little more restrained on occasion so that we can all appreciate their opinions without frustration.

    Thank you for all your time, effort and words. They have helped fan a flame or two in the embers of retirement.

  2. jas

    I reckon you can expect someone called Jabba, who was recently made unemployed, to contribute to any forum he can.He can’t help himself!

  3. hector

    Just back from my afternoon walk through Mordor and it is getting a bit ripe in there as the orcs are working themselves into a lather about who rules the dark kingdom. The Sons of Struth lot are starting to lose the reasonable façade they have maintained until now with calls for direct action. Calls for “more hatchets and hammers than banners ” and one post ” if we all wreck a Mc Gills bus each they will soon get the message “. Civil war in Mordor and Jabba on the dole I may buy a lottery ticket tonight.

    • JOE

      Hector after a good long shower or bath have a good dram.
      I have just bought my lottery tickets.

    • jjbhoy

      @hector……marvellous,civil war among the orcs,i just can’t get enough. Would like to thank you,Paul,for the steling work and,hours of discussion you have given us,and all true,that’s the best bit,no fables,no made up nonsense,just facts. Would also like to have a laugh at James(jabba)Traynor,also,for his sterling work as media mogul at Mordor,well done James,great job. Keep up the great work you do Paul!

    • Lex McLean

      You be careful, those deer can be dangerous.

  4. JOE

    Still waiting Wonka

    November 2, 2013 at 3:05 pm
    At wonka there are a few joes on here.
    So brainiac what am I wrong about give me a clue.
    And I will get back to you.
    It would be good if you could copy what I am Wrong About.

  5. JOE

    Substitute the word Mama for Jabba
    Where’s your Jabba Gone?

  6. Who does this remind you of?

    Here’s the thing, I’ve vowed to always fight for the right of free expression. It’s allowed, no matter what the profession. I pride myself in having earned the respect of many because I make no apologies for the truth and hold nothing back. I don’t fight for things because they serve my own purposes, I fight for them because they are right. Sources trust me because I am an unadulterated version of the truth. I won’t ever bend just because its popular to do so and I’m not bending now.”

    Did you notice the scant headlines he received from his peers in the press core?

    Who pulled the trigger? Jack, the Twins?

    • JOE

      Nice one Dibble.
      No panic about money all is well, Jabba don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out.

      • officer dibble


        If jabba was standing when the bullet was fired – how many times do you think he would have bounced as he hit the floor and slid around like a walrus.

      • @Joe
        Hi bud; more money oot the door, sqeeky bum time, last night’s massive crowd of 22,000 split two ways after expenses erm, gone on the fatwa’s pay off. Did Jack the hat take out a fatwa on jabba?

  7. R. MacGeddon

    How come Mister King’s prognosis of the finances are at odds with Niall’s?

    I may be wrong but I can scarcely recall Niall predicting a further 2 rounds of investment may be necessary to keep things afloat.

    What information does Niall have that Mr. King doesn’t?

    • @RMac
      Niall’s thoughts probably trancended from somewhere else? 🙂

    • Niall,Steerpike and Sevco United all ran out of steam ,
      just as the tribute act are about to hit the skids,
      McColl, a so called billionaire, wants to run the show, but not with his own money, he just wants one round of fund raising, he has already spent a fiver so thats him all in,
      King wanted to rule the big hoose and do his fund raiser, two of them in fact, well he is owed £20m,but the two Ronnies have Parked their bus and they are not budging, they have the backing of the SECRET shareholders,
      oh how they love a wee secret them peepil,

  8. Paul

    Charlie MulgrewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwGoal undefeated SPL

  9. willy wonka

    Meanwhile, erstwhile “best goalie in ra wuruld” continues his fine run of form. –

    • Ed Paisley

      To be fair to the Holy Goalie that was an unnaturally high bounce of the ball. I would check the ball to make sure it wasn’t filled with helium or something – that would be a typical shabby Nazi/orange trick!

      I don’t think Artur was such a great goalkeeper but he certainly knew how to wind up those young bluenose idiots at Ibrox. Remember when he used to cross himself and the forces of darkness would be punching the air and howling in paroxysms of fury. Jeez it was funny and I certainly miss that!

  10. cam

    Great result for England in the rugby league world cup,,,thrashing the spuds.

    • tykebhoy

      You are sickeningly thick or racist xenophobic bigotted scum. I suggest you plead guilty to the former as at least that one puts you just ahead of an amoeba (but only just)

  11. Monti

    Woeful performance from Rome’s finest today!
    Never mind, still unbeaten! HH!

  12. Interesting, live on BBC sportsound, Mr Green may still be involved behind the scene and controlling the dark bus boys, apparently the rebel group cannot find out who Margerita and blue pitch are.

    Hum Hum Ho.

  13. Lex McLean

    I was listening to some callers on sports phone ins, they were clearly Celtic fans and were criticizing the media for giving far too much coverage to Rangers, saying that Rangers get too much coverage because the Media has a clear pro Rangers bias, if I followed their train of thought, they are accusing everyone commenting on the Rangers as pro Rangers even if subconsciously. Well I thought that’s good to know. The bold Gort and Eastside being pro Rangers, apologies if I missed anyone whose subconscious wants to be recognized as pro Rangers but you all are too many to mention individually.

  14. Here’s a funny thing by C Green in an interview on STV 12 Dec 2012 talking about the up front investors.

    In the Scotland Tonight interview, Mr Green stated that all of those who currently own shares have been cleared by the Financial Services Authority, which regulates financial services in the UK.

    He said: “As with many things people invests through companies or through trusts, not everyone invests in their own name. All of these people who’ve bought shares in Rangers have been vetted by the FSA, Simply Stockbroking, the company who were appointed to do all the KYC (know your company) on these people, have been satisfied that these people are bona fide. And of course following the problems that the club had historically all of the details have been provided to the SFA to confirm that they are fit and proper.”


    Did we hear anything like this coming from Daniel Stewart on the ‘lyin king’? Is he clear to invest? And do the SFA know who these people are? According to Charles they do, and the SFA know it.

    Or was he lying? I presume the SFA could make a clear unambiguous statement without revealling who they are.

    Over to the rebels, not there’s any on this site.

    • Lex McLean

      Ok Dribble, you’r smarter than the average bobby.
      yes they would have had to do a know your client but with nominees through what looks like Middle East lawyers I think they would have given themselves as satisfied when they got to the nominee, perhaps even the nominee claimed to be the beneficial owner. So don’t hold your breadth. I think all the people who should have done a know your client will be backward in coming forward to say they know the final beneficial owner for fear of making an ass of themselves.

      I would be interested in trying to deduce if they got their shares at the IPO or as part of Greens initial investors, I suspect as Greens initial investors but does anyone know/already done some research?

      • @Lex
        I’m getting your drift Lex but a no brainer for the fans who want to know and who may be asked to cough up the readies again, , , would be that if the SFA know who they are and they also know that both fundhouses (Marg/blue) are clear of any wrongdoers lets say! then they could clarify this by making a statement but do not have to provide any names.

        On the other hand, maybe Chaz was lying, and maybe the info Chaz said he provided to the SFA was a lie?

        Why don’t the SFA act for the good of their own integrity? Are they afriad too that, maybe they don’t know nor ever asked?

        The SFA aint innocent in all of this tawdry mess Lex.

  15. Felpen

    ‘I had had seen Rangers supporters on the news when I was in London, that is why I wanted to come to Glasgow when I was making a movie about zonbies’

    Brad Pitt (World War Z)

    Lmfao well said Bradley Bhoy.


    Just want to say thanks to you Paul for all your hard work. Although I seldom chip in my piece I am an avid reader and just love MONTI and often CAM who I think beneath it all has a great sense of humour

  17. Monti

    No Rangers on the Sportscene highlights, why is that Cam?



  18. Monti


    Why are the Huns not on Sportscene Cam?


  19. Monti


    Sportscene Highlights?
    There is no sign of Rangers 🙂

    Come on noo, why is that? 🙂

  20. Monti

    second Rangers aren’t going to be on Sportscene for years 😀

    Oh dear?

  21. So here is to the next 6 million hits and the next 100,000 comments.

    Maybe by the time we reach them, Rangers International Football Club PLC will actually have held an AGM!


    I beg to differ (or duffer)

    Hopefully, RIFC Plc will have gone out of business with their subsidiaries
    The Rangers Football Club Ltd (formerly Sevco Scotland ltd) and Sevco5088 Ltd.

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